Type Of Landslide

Type Of Landslide - Landslide is the movement of the rocks, soil and other materials into the constituent structure is a layer of soil that moves downward due to the influence of the force of gravity. In general, the factors causing landslides are divided into two, namely the driving factor and the factor of anchoring.

The driving factor is a factor that is in the soil material itself while retaining factors are the factors that trigger the occurrence of the material in the soil movement causing landslides. These landslides will be very easy to happen if the driving factor in the slope of the land is greater than by a factor of anchoring.

For retaining factors often is the strength of the soil and rock structures in it. if soil conditions, groundwater as well as the structure of the rocks better and stable then the land will not be easily subjected to landslides and vice versa land that has soil conditions and water as well as rocks that are not good and not stable, it will very potentially cause a landslide.

So for what already explained earlier, it can be concluded that the landslide is the movement of soil material such as soil, water, and rocks then down the slope which occurs when the driving factor is greater than by a factor of restraint. The landslide itself has several phases, namely the release, transport, and deposition.

There are several types of landslides that you need to know are as follows:

1. Landslide Translational

1. Landslide Translational

Landslides of this type is a condition in which the movement of soil material at the soil conditions are average or wave ramps. So, on the ground that the ramps can also occur landslides is especially if the various causes of landslides have already started to appear. You have to be very alert on the type of a landslide on this one.

2. Landslide Rotation

2. Landslide Rotation

Types of landslides the second was the avalanche of rotation. So named because of an avalanche is the movement of soil material that occurs in the field which is shaped concave so often happens the rotation or rotation in the concave areas. On the concave areas affected by avalanches can be a very dangerous thing, especially if there is a settlement on it because it will swamp accumulate and result in fatalities.

3. The Movement Of The Block

3. The Movement Of The Block

Somewhat different from the type of landslides that have been mentioned. The movement of this block is the movement of rocks in the soil on field flat or gently sloping. This condition is also often called with the avalanche of stone blocks with the number of stones that usually are not little. This will be very dangerous to humans if exposed to this avalanche because most of the material is rock.

4. Rocks

. Rocks

As the name suggests, the ruins of this stone is a condition where there is a crumbled stone directly and free fall from the top to the bottom. This usually occurs on steep hill slopes are quite steep and is often found in coastal cliffs. If at the bottom of this cliff there is the settlement of the citizens then it will be very dangerous because of falling material usually in the form of large stones that will surely make damage on what in the drop.

5. Crawl The Ground

Crawl The Ground

Landslides of this type do not mean a landslide that occurred because of the animal's termites yes. However, these landslides occur due to the presence of creeping or movement of the ground which is very slow and smooth. This usually occurs in soil that has small grains smooth and yet has a structure which is quite coarse.

Usually, this type of landslide is almost not recognizable and if the landslide has already happened in quite a long time new can be identified with tilting electric poles, houses and others that are in it. If you are experiencing this we recommend to be careful and use a foundation that is strong enough to withstand landslides.

6. The Flow Of Material Debris

The Flow Of Material Debris

Well, the type of landslides the last is the flow of material debris where this condition occurs because of the movement of the soil and the material caused by the impulse of the water which is very powerful.

The speed of water flow depends on slope, water volume, water pressure, water velocity and type of material the land itself is easily transported by water or not. term program is the result of a landslide is pretty fast and can reach the entire valley with a distance of hundreds of meters away. Even the distance can take can be in very much and within thousands of meters.

If this happens it could damage many things in its path including also if there is a settlement through her will surely go away. The type of landslide usually occurs on the slopes of the volcano and caused many casualties.
