Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Hair
Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Hair - Currently, products made from aloe vera or aloe vera is widely preferred. Many believe if aloe vera extract is very good for facial care to hair. So, what are the benefits of aloe vera for hair?
Reported by the page Medical News today, there are myriad benefits of aloe vera for the hair. One of the most famous is its ability to stimulate the growth of hair.
This ability is owned by aloe vera because in it there is:
• A lot of vitamins
• Essential amino acids
• Minerals copper and zinc which is very important for hair growth
• Fatty acids
Not only that, the benefits of aloe vera for hair is to help heal and repair damaged cells in the scalp. So, when Your hair is damaged due to the frequent use of a vise or because exposed to the sun, aloe vera extract can be the solution.
Don't get in there, the benefits of aloe vera for hair You can get further is to reduce itching in the area of the head. This condition is usually caused by seborrheic dermatitis.
Seborrheic Dermatitis is a problem that occurs because the scalp is inflated to make the layers of the skin peel off and finally appeared dandruff. Usually, this condition is caused by a fungus.
Well, aloe vera has antifungal properties and anti-bacterial that can help fight the condition seborrheic dermatitis. In addition, aloe vera also has properties anti-inflammatory that can make the scalp is irritated so it feels better.
People who use aloe vera for hair can choose for themselves to use aloe vera as anything. Anyone use aloe vera gel, or use gel fresh aloe directly to the scalp.
If You want to use the plant aloe vera original, You can do so by following ways:
• Cut the leaves of the plant aloe vera
• Use a spoon to take the gel in the aloe leaves.
• Collect all the gels and add with olive oil or coconut oil. The mixture with this oil choice, If you don't like, You can skip it.
• Then rub aloe vera gel directly to the scalp.
• Leave the aloe vera gel sticking up to one hour
• Repeat this process 2-3 times a week
What are the benefits of aloe vera for hair?
This ability is owned by aloe vera because in it there is:
• A lot of vitamins
• Essential amino acids
• Minerals copper and zinc which is very important for hair growth
• Fatty acids
Not only that, the benefits of aloe vera for hair is to help heal and repair damaged cells in the scalp. So, when Your hair is damaged due to the frequent use of a vise or because exposed to the sun, aloe vera extract can be the solution.
Makes the skin comfortable and reduce the itching
Seborrheic Dermatitis is a problem that occurs because the scalp is inflated to make the layers of the skin peel off and finally appeared dandruff. Usually, this condition is caused by a fungus.
Well, aloe vera has antifungal properties and anti-bacterial that can help fight the condition seborrheic dermatitis. In addition, aloe vera also has properties anti-inflammatory that can make the scalp is irritated so it feels better.
How to use aloe vera in hair
If You want to use the plant aloe vera original, You can do so by following ways:
• Cut the leaves of the plant aloe vera
• Use a spoon to take the gel in the aloe leaves.
• Collect all the gels and add with olive oil or coconut oil. The mixture with this oil choice, If you don't like, You can skip it.
• Then rub aloe vera gel directly to the scalp.
• Leave the aloe vera gel sticking up to one hour
• Repeat this process 2-3 times a week
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