Definition And Benefits Of Hiking

Definition And Benefits Of Hiking - In a relationship with the Creator, humans have an obligation to always appreciate and preserve all forms of His creation in the form of the universe which is so beautiful and extraordinary. One form of gratitude that is by doing activities in nature that are positive and give a new experience that later can be used as a reflection of us in everyday life.

These activities include is the activity of climbing cliffs, diving, rafting, mountain bike, paragliding, and hiking. On this occasion, I will discuss the definition, benefits, and purpose of hiking.

A. Definition Of Hiking

Definition Of Hiking

Hiking is one form of exercise that is done in the open, as a more activity-oriented in nature and is certainly an event/activity that has the risk is very high. Therefore, any activities that do require skill, accuracy, and physical strength for each of the perpetrators.

In language, the hiking is derived from the verb to hike, meaning walk or march away for the purpose of pleasure or as a calisthenic exercise. If We grasp the meaning of the words to hike, so many kinds of sports minute walk that includes hiking.

But in fact, in general we see that hiking is a walk or climbing a mountain that contains the elements of the game, romance of life, and explorations or wanderings that become an integral part of a series of adventure, is not just a walk or march away as the origin of the meaning of the word essentially.

According to some literature associated with the notion of hiking, not a few experts expressed the meaning of hiking. However, in general, it can be interpreted that “hiking is an activity that is done in nature with the terrain/trajectory varies, can be carried out by all people with certain circumstances and conditions, carried out in spare time to achieve the expected goals, i.e., fitness, pleasure, satisfaction and a new experience”.

Activities hiking that has been described above is more precisely referred to as hiking are included in strenuous sports, where the ability skill of the performer of the activities required to perform the activities of a general nature such as cooking in, set up a tent or bivouac nature, looking for the source water and activities that are special, such as looking for traces, survival, map reading and other activities.

B. The Benefits Of Hiking

The Benefits Of Hiking

There are several benefits of hiking for human life, including the following :

1. Improve skills. 

Participants activities hiking are required to be skilled in taking care of yourself and keep surrounding people from the threat of danger, whether that comes from nature or the attacks of wild beasts.

Knowledge will be an individual skill not only at the level of theory, in reality, but the individual skills should also always be trained and applied/practiced in every opportunity. Through the activities of hiking, the offender or a climber have the opportunity to be able to apply/practice skills in the know and he has, so the skills that he knows and he has such a can be increased.

2. Get fitness of the body. 

By doing hiking, of our body become more healthy and strong. Because hiking is an activity of the walk. Walk follows the path of ascent could certainly be physical exercises or calisthenic exercises are good to train the muscles of the body to stay fit.

3. Got a new experience. 

When doing hiking, we will meet a lot of the unexpected, which certainly will add our experiences. By doing hiking, we will get a new experience, be it physical experience, nor the experience spiritually.

4. Build Mental Endurance. 

When we are faced with circumstances that make us depressed and make our emotions peaking we should be able to confront and control it. Therefore, when being in nature we should be able to face the disruption and threat from the outside or from within yourself. Then, by performing activities hiking, consciously or unconsciously we can build the resilience of our minds.

5. Get The Pleasure. 

When we do activities hiking certainly we will get the pleasure of its own which will not be possible we get when we run the daily activities. Because there is a recreational element of this activity, in addition to that we will find and get a new atmosphere when we do hiking activities, ranging from the coolness of fresh air, natural beauty, and of course, the atmosphere of quiet so that it can make our brain fresh back from the fatigue of daily activities,.

6. Add To Science.

 A lot of science that we will get when we do hiking activities, because we will learn about nature, how to survive in nature, learn about the signs of nature that appear, learn about the cardinal directions, learn about the signs of traces of wild animals, and so forth. Thus, the science of knowledge we will accrue and can be applied in everyday life. In addition, we can do a study of this activity.

C. The Purpose Of Hiking

The Purpose Of Hiking

The purpose of the activity of hiking this also affects the preparation of which we will do, if the goal is different, then, of course, the preparations are different. As for the objective of hiking activities, including the following :

1. As a means of recreation. Activities hiking is to enjoy the beauty of nature with the terrain that is not too heavy or high risk. The element of excitement and release of a point to be its main objective.

2. As Media Research. This activity aims to determine the habitat of the plant/animal with all its aspects. It is expected that this research in biodiversity will be able to continue to be preserved.

3. As The Adventure. In this context, it takes a high fighting spirit, the physical specimen, the equipment adequate and certainly mentally strong. The terrain was varied, such as steep cliffs, ravines, swamps, savanna, rivers, and difficult terrain.
