7 Ways Jogging Correct For Beginners and its Benefits For the Health of the Body

Benefits Jogging For the Health - How to Jog the Correct – Jogging is an activity run small which generally has the purpose to maintain the health of our body. In addition to that jogging also physical activity is the cheapest and most practical as the choice of sports.

Meanwhile, according to Dr. George Sheehan, who also is an expert in the field of jogging define jogging is running at a speed of 9.7 km/h. Beyond the speed that can be called a run. Well, so we can underline the fundamental difference between jogging and running.

For it let's peel thoroughly what are the benefits of jogging and how to jog right. Prepare the notes you yes!

Benefits of How to Jogging Right For the Health of the Body

Benefits of How to Jog Right For the Health of the Body

Before we go into action, it would be good if we understand its benefits first. So the motivation of our spirit is increasing. Here are some of the benefits of jogging.

1. Improve The Quality Of Sleep

From the studies conducted on the patients with insomnia, they were asked to run or jog regularly, the result is able to speed up the time of their sleep. And sleep more soundly than those who do not go jogging.

2. For Heart Health

The results of the study found that if you run at least 16 miles in a week, will reduce the risk of disturbance of blood pressure. In addition to making cholesterol is not deposited too long in the blood vessels. It is good for the fitness of your heart.

3. Burn Calories in the Body

Jogging is the main goal for most people, that want to burn calories in the body. With jogging, you can lose weight, because when doing jogging, calories in the body burn up to two-fold in comparison with just a walk.

4. Strengthen The Bones Of The Foot

The activity of jogging can burn fat and improve the metabolism of the muscle cells and you. A movement that is active on

the legs will make bone cells more quickly. It is better to replace cells damaged bone and replace it with new cells.

So our bones more dense and strong. For you who have high mobility while working will certainly need strong legs. Preferably, you set up a routine of jogging in the list of your activity day-to-day.

5. Overcome Shortness Of Breath

In the research devoted to patients with asthma, they are trained to perform routine jogging submarine three months, a result they feel asthma being rarely relapsed.

In addition, the study mentions that doing jogging will help breathe easier.

6. Increase Appetite

For those of you who have difficulty appetite, can make jogging as one solution. Because the metabolism of the body increased when you are jogging. It will help us to easily hungry, slowly but surely your appetite is also increased.

7. Increasing The Of Concentration

The same is the case with meditation, jogging can also improve the ability of the brain, so make your thoughts easier to concentrate. Many athletes who said so.

Well, for those of you who have difficulty to concentrate, don't forget to enter jogging in the to-do list daily.

8. Launched The Menstrual Cycle

Special for you ladies, may you never experience the problem of the menstrual cycle is not fixed. It is quite annoying if come months come suddenly without having any clear pattern.

With a jogging routine, will make the menstrual cycle you better. So start getting used a jog in the morning to cope with menstrual problems you.

The benefits of the Way Jogging Correct For Balance of Mental

The benefits of the Way Jogging Correct For Balance of Mental

In a healthy body, there is a strong soul. Classic proverb as if it were still relevant up to now. In addition to some of the physical benefits you get, jogging also has benefits for mental balance. Here are some of the benefits :

1. Excited Throughout The Day

By doing regular jogging makes us more often to breathe, oxygen enters the body more. Fresh air during breathing is good for the health of the cells of the body. It will increase peace of mind and our minds. Our Mood is also better, so that makes us become more excited in the through the day.

So, no more when I wake up your weight, felt weak and lethargic. Moreover, if the activity of the later, more dense-dense. Lazy really right?

2. Was Longer

From the results of the research to be done as much as 22 times find ran 2.5 hours a week can reduce the risk of death at a young age.

Other studies mentioned, the risk of death at a young age can be reduced a 50% chance that with jogging. Despite the problems of life is indeed the secret of the lord, but also affect the fate of us guys.

3. Avoid Stress

Jogging can give you a sense of comfort and calm in our minds, especially if done together so we can frolic with our partners. However, for those of you who own, can be made by listening to the music. The good thing is it certainly help us avoid stress.

Things Done Before Jogging

Things Done Before Jogging

Now we will discuss how to jog right. Jogging also requires some equipment that you need to prepare. Preparation it is very important, for the sake of the activity of the smooth jogging of us. So when do we get the maximum benefit?

1. Choose the Right Running Shoes

Running shoes suitable and comfortable for the footnote for you beginners. Use shoes which have padded soles and flexible, especially on the lower third of the front. The neck of the shoe does not cover the ankle like a basketball shoe.

In addition to the comfort factor, running shoes also minimize the occurrence of the injury on the ankle, knee, spine, and waist.

2. Choose Comfortable Clothes

Choose a shirt that is loose and flexible so that provide movement. Also select the shapes and materials that easily absorb sweat and easy to dry well, such as spandex or polyester. So as not to cause red spots or problems that occur on the skin.

3. Specify Path Jogging

Pay attention to your safety. Be careful when going to jogging. Choose a safe location with a lot of people around and fewer vehicles on the streets. Around the sports hall or the public park is also a good choice.

How to Jogging Correct

How to Jogging Correct

After all the preparations are ready. Way jogging which is highly recommended so you avoid injury. Here are some tips on how to jog right.

1. Heating

Warming up slowly can increase your heart rate you. It is a good signal that the body you've been able to work. Warming also reduces the stress on the heart when you're exercising. Before you start running, you can try with the path of quick a few minutes.

2. Posture when Jogging

The position of the head

The position of the head should always be enforced at a run. Not down and not looking up. The position of the head is too down will inhibit the influx of air through the respiratory tract, causing rapid fatigue.

The position of the arm

The position of the correct arm is the elbow bent 90 degrees and swing it forward and backward to follow the rhythm of the feet and swing parallel to the waist. The movement of this arm serves to balance the body so as not to fall.

The position of the hands

The position of the hands grasping the relaxed, bendable and removable. Clenching the palm of the hand too taut will make the muscles of the arms, you still feel tense, so that interfere with you while jogging.

The position of the stomach

The position of the stomach the truth is if you pull the abdominal muscles you in, hold that position during the run. With so your stomach looks distended will slowly start to become lean.

The position of the feet

When the feet tread the ground, keep the front foot lands to the ground first, not in the hearts of the foot and the heel. Because the position of the feet touching the ground greatly affects the performance and efficiency, so you don't get tired while jogging.

3. Don't Worry about Speed

Don't force yourself you're running too fast. One of the important in this sport is breathing. If the breath starts to feel heavy, reduce the running speed. Two-step inhales through the nose, two steps exhale through the mouth. The regulation of breathing is important to prevent the occurrence of pain in the abdomen.

By doing so, the respiratory and the performance of the heart you will increase along with the routine you do jogging.

4. Jogging by Way of Running-walking

May run constantly will feel heavy for you. Therefore, you can rest for a moment the body and breathe with running so you can collect enough energy to continue jogging again.

It is intended as basically a way of jogging that really is an activity to make your body more healthy and fit.

5. Start Slowly

Do not maximize your body with the mileage that much at once. Try with short distance first. After that, you can increase the mileage along with increased strength stamina and breathing.

6. Don't Forget to Bring Water 

Doing jogging will certainly expend a lot of sweat, therefore you need to pay attention to the adequacy of the liquid. Bring water to drink in moderation so that you avoid dehydration.

7. Do Regularly 

With a do how jogging right regularly, you can feel the benefits optimally. Do jogging at least 150 minutes per week. Jogging 1.6 km every day is much better for your health than running 5 km every 2 days.

With having a body that is healthy and fit along with the balance of good mental, it is expected will increase the happiness and productivity of our daily activities. Well, that's some way to jogging correct, along with the benefits. Hopefully Useful!
