Benefits Of Olive Oil For Hair

Benefits Of Olive Oil For Hair – Olive oil is one natural material that has very many benefits. In addition to having benefits for health and for the face, olive oil apparently also has a lot of benefits to the hair. What are the benefits of olive oil for hair?

The benefits of Olive Oil for Hair
The benefits of Olive Oil for Hair

You surely already have heard that olive oil has many benefits for beauty. Earlier You probably already no stranger to hearing the use of olive oil for a variety of facial problems. But it turns out that, in addition to the face, olive oil also has many benefits for the hair.

The content of vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin K, which is contained in olive oil is not only good for skin care but can also nourish the hair. Below is a list of the benefits of olive oil for hair:

1. Eliminate lice
Eliminate lice

The problem of head lice cannot be considered trivial. Head lice not only make it uncomfortable because it causes itching but also potentially cause irritation to the scalp and also hair damage. One of the benefits of olive oil for hair can help remove head lice.

How to use olive oil to kill head lice is by applying olive oil to the scalp and to the entire section of hair, then wrap your head for approximately 3 hours.

After rinsing the hair using shampoo and shampooing it while combing Your hair to clean the rest of the fleas. Do 2 times a week until the fleas are completely gone.

2. Accelerate the growth of hair
Accelerate the growth of hair

The benefits of olive oil for hair the second is that it can lengthen hair. The result of lengthening hair with olive oil is not as fast as using a hair serum, but it is still worth a try because it is very economical and does not cause side effects.

The trick is to apply olive oil to entire hair, massaging the scalp for a few minutes. After that let stand for at least 30 minutes before rinsing your hair with shampoo.

3. Cope with the hair of lions
Cope with the hair of lions

The hair of the lion or the hair is too fluffy certainly is very disturbing appearance. One way to overcome this is to use a hair mask of natural oils regularly. One type of oil You can use is olive oil.

How to use olive oil for hair of a lion is to apply olive oil which is warmed to the whole hair. Massage the scalp gently for a few minutes, then let stand for 30 minutes before rinsing using a shampoo.

4. Cope with dry hair and split ends
Cope with dry hair and split ends

Dry hair and the split end is a sign of damaged hair. This might be due to the lack of content of the keratin in the cuticle (the outermost layer) of the hair. Treatment olive oil for hair can keep the content of keratin on the hair cuticle so the hair becomes more supple and avoid dry hair and split ends.

5. Smoothes the hair
Smoothes the hair

The benefits of olive oil for the hair which the fifth is the smoothing of the hair. Dry hair and split end it will look rough and lose its luster. When we take care of the hair and keep it hydrated, then we will also get hair that is smooth.

Coarse hair which turned into more finely will also be seen from the return of luster to Your hair. In addition, the hair also feels more manageable and not easily tangled.

6. Cope with dandruff
Cope with dandruff

The benefits of olive oil can help overcome dandruff. The existence of dandruff in the scalp not only cause itching but can also lose self-confidence of a person.

You can apply olive oil directly on your scalp or you can also mix them with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

But keep in mind that the cause of dandruff assortment that not all types of dandruff can be removed using olive oil. If dandruff remains stubborn after hair care with olive oil, preferably are also coupled with other treatments such as anti-dandruff shampoo.

7. Good for baby hair
Good for baby hair

Choose hair care for the baby certainly cannot be arbitrary, because the baby skin is sensitive and more prone to irritation. One of the benefits of olive oil for the hair it turns out is good for baby care. So, as a parent, You do not need to worry if you want to try the hair treatment using olive oil on Your baby, because this treatment almost does not cause side effects at all.

8. Can be used for eyebrows and eyelashes
Can be used for eyebrows and eyelashes

In addition to the hair on the top of the head, eyebrows and eyelashes are also a part that must be treated. A lot of people who wanted eyebrows thicker and eyelashes more thick and long.

Long eyelashes and thick and thick eyebrows are often identified with a face more beautiful.

No need to do eyebrow embroidery and patchwork eyelashes, You can simply take care of eyebrows and eyelashes using the olive oil. The same as on the hair on top of the head, olive oil is also believed to be able to accelerate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Tips To Keep Health Hair
Tips To Keep Health Hair

The benefits of olive oil for hair is indeed very much, but to get the perfect hair, of course, the treatment of olive oil for the hair alone is not enough.

There are some other things You should consider taking care of the hair. The following are tips for caring for hair with olive oil and also other treatments:

1. Do regularly

If you want to get me the benefits of olive oil for the hair, then he can care regularly. Use olive oil to the hair one or two times will not give a significant effect on the hair. Do care 1-2 times a week in a few months to get the results You want.

2. Select appropriate treatment

Hair care should not be done haphazardly. Choose a treatment that fits the needs of Your hair. Starting from the selection of shampoo, conditioner, and hair mask should always be adjusted with the character of Your hair.

Hair care for owners of dry and oily hair is certainly different, so also the care for hair that is colored and not colored.

3. Remember, hair styling can damage the hair!

Hairstyling usually aims to beautify the appearance of the hair. But are You sure the results will be comparable damage to the hair that will be You feel? Preferably before styling, Your hair considers a variety of things.

Do not do hair styling too often as the hair needs time to regenerate. Do not also do hair styling without giving protection to the hair at all.

Make sure You also choose product-best hair products to avoid hair damage due to styling.

4. Do not shampoo every day

Who said that shampooing every day is a solution to hair that is clean and healthy? Basically, shampooing must be adjusted to the needs. Consider the climate in Indonesia, is recommended to shampoo two days. However if urgent, then it is allowed to shampoo for two days in a row.

So, whether You're going to try treatment with olive oil and get the benefits of olive oil for the hair? Good luck and hopefully this information is helpful!
