Definition of Poverty

What is the meaning of poverty? The taste of poverty is a condition where a person is not able to meet the needs of primarily food, clothing, shelter, education and health.

Quantitatively, poverty is a situation where human well-being or lack of  "does not have the property. Whereas in quality, a sense of human life is a State of poverty that is not feasible.

Poverty is highly correlated with the welfare of society and be a minimum level of incentives based on living standards in a country. Poverty had become a global problem, where each country has public members who are below the poverty line.

The Notion Of Poverty According To Experts
Definition of Poverty

In order to better understand what is the meaning of poverty, we can refer to the opinions of experts and figures regarding the definition of poverty, which are:

1. Hall and Midgley

According to Hall and Midgley understanding poverty is the condition of the material and social deprivation which causes the individual to live under a decent life standards, or the conditions under which the individual is experiencing relative deprivation compared with individuals who others in the community.

2. Faturachman and Marcelinus Molo

According to Faturachman and Marcelinus Molo, understanding poverty is the inability of someone or some people (households) to meet the needs of the Foundation.

3. Reitsma and Kleinpenning

According to Reitsma and Kleinpenning understanding of poverty is the inability of individuals to meet his needs, either material or non-material.

Types Of Poverty

Definition of Poverty

In General, there are several types of poverty that exist in society. The following are the types and examples of poverty:

1. Subjective Poverty

Type of Poverty this happen because someone has a rationale yourself with the thought that their needs have not been met are enough, even though the person is not too poor.
For example: the seasonal beggars who appear in big cities.

2. Absolute Poverty

This type of poverty is a form of poverty where a person/family income eligibility standard under or below the poverty line. Its revenues were not able to meet the needs of food, clothing, Board, education, and health.
Examples of absolute poverty: families who are less capable.

3. Relative Poverty

This type of poverty is a form of poverty that occurs due to the influence of policy development that has not been touched all walks of life. The policy raises welfare standards and income inequality.
For example: the number of unemployment because the jobs are few.

4. The poverty of Natural

This is a poverty that occurred because of its environment of rare natural resources. This causes the local community has low productivity.
For example: a community on the African continent whose land is dry and barren.

Factors Cause Of Poverty

Definition of Poverty

After understanding the sense of poverty and different types, then we also need to know what penyebanya. The following are some of the factors the causes of poverty are the most common:

1. the rate of population growth

A high birth rate will lead to a country's rate of population growth to be great. When the rate of growth is not comparable to economic growth, then this would result in poverty will increase in a country.

2. High Unemployment

Limited employment caused unemployment in a country becomes high. A growing number of unemployed then poverty will also increase.

Increased unemployment can also cause other problems troubling the people. For example, the emergence of the perpetrators of the crimes, beggars, etc.

3. the low level of education

Low educational level of the community that are less likely to have the skills, insight, and knowledge are adequate. So they can't compete with people who are highly educated in the world of work as well as in the corporate world. This then makes the unemployment and poverty be increased.

4. Natural disasters

Natural disasters cause of poverty was a factor that cannot be prevented because it comes from nature. Natural disasters such as tsunamis, floods, landslides, and others, will cause damage to infrastructure as well as psychological.

A great natural disaster events can result in a community experiencing poverty because of lost treasures.

5. the uneven Distribution

Pattern of ownership thanks to inequality of resources would give rise to inequality in the distribution of income. In General, the community has only limited resources and poor quality are below the poverty line.

The Impact Of Poverty

Definition of Poverty

By and large poverty will give negative impact to the community. The following are some of the impacts of poverty that often occur:

1. crime is increasing

Poverty is often associated with criminality. Not without reason, because the poor tend to do just about anything to satisfy the needs of their life, including crime. Some forms of crime, theft, robbery, fraud, even murder.

2. high Mortality

Communities that live under the poverty line are generally not getting adequate health care access. This caused the high death toll on the poor.

In addition, poor nutrition is also a problem that often occurs in poor communities. Nutritional intake less cause health and physical development of the poor very badly.

3. Access to education Closed

Education costs are high enough to result in poor communities are unable to reach out to the world of education. This worsening situation of communities that lack because of lack of education makes them could not compete and could not rise from adversity.

4. Unemployment is the more

The poor are not getting access to education will be hard to compete in the world of work or effort. This will then lead to increasing unemployment.

5. the emergence of conflict in society

A sense of disappointment and dissatisfaction are poor are usually issued with a variety of anarchist actions. Even the often nuanced conflict SARA in society as a way of impingement disappointment of poor people.

So a brief explanation regarding the understanding of poverty, types of poverty, the cause of poverty, and the impact posed by poverty. May be useful.
