Definition of Opinion

Definition of Opinion - During this we sometimes difficulty in distinguishing between fact and opinion, both are almost the same, just that there are certain characteristics or traits that distinguish the two. Well, for that, here we present understanding of facts and opinions along with the explanation that hopefully can add to the reader's knowledge of all.

Definition of Opinion

Definition of Opinion

Opinions, opinions or ideas is also thought to explain against an ideology, themes, events or other ideas which is not objective. This is because the opinion to its just personal opinion and of course varies from one person to another.

Opinion of the truth is uncertain and there has been no testing on it. Different opinions with facts. But opinions can change its status becomes fact when one day the opinion issued any proven or verified.

Characteristics Of The Opinion

Definition of Opinion

The following are some characteristics of opinion;

1. do not or can not be confirmed
2. It contains personal opinions
3. A statement of opinion is usually in the form of suggestion, advice or suggestions
4. Statement of its nature is only supposition
5. Marked by use of the word such as, perhaps, could have been, the times, may be, in my opinion, my opinion and so on

Example Sentences For Opinion

Definition of Opinion

The following are some of the characteristics that can be seen from the sentence of opinion;

1. Living in the countryside are more palatable than living in urban
2. Be rich people it is very difficult
3. Maybe tomorrow it will be rain
4. In my opinion the problem of flooding in Jakarta are very difficult to overcome
5. banana Fruit tastes better than the grape 
6. Air in Bandung is very cool.
7. Coffee more palatable when drunk at night.
8. Perhaps the corruptor will be more wary if the Government implemented the death penalty.
9. Indonesia will glory, when led by a young man.
10. fried noodles is food the best there is in the city of Paris.
11. The ice lime it tastes very sweet.
12. If we are diligent exercise and not smoking, then age would be longer.
13. In my opinion, reading is a hobby that most spots for you.
14. They don't like it, maybe because he's a former convict.
