Definition of Journal

Definition of Journal - What is a scientific journal or academic journals that we often hear?

Our mind when hearing the term journal sometimes leads to a listing presentation contains the columns in the paper folio for assessment or evaluation activities in the classroom. But is the journal here is scientific journal or academic journals.

This post will discuss briefly the definition of academic journal, accompanied for example. Often we hear that a student is required to be able to write a journal of the completion of the study.

A Professor-targeted to publish his writings into the international journal at least once a year, for example. Actually, what is a journal?

What is a journal?

Definition of Journal

The journal is a scientific publication that contains a collection of articles and generally published on a regular basis, such as twice or four times a year.

Manuscript article written for the journal reviewed or evaluated by a team of reviewers before getting into the editorial desk of the journal.

Reviewer journal articles are usually more than one person who is an expert in a certain field of study according to the topic that is written in the article.

Journals generally contains a number of references into citation writing every article. These types of articles are written is not limited to research reports, but may also be a review of the literature.

The journal article is a research report typically consists of some part of the title, abstract, description of the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion and analysis of the implications of the results of the research.

It is sometimes accompanied by a proposal on the agenda of the follow-up research and recommendations.

Up here we've been able to get the impression that the journal is a scientific paper. In contrast to other papers, such as the magazine that also published regular and generally contains a collection of articles, the journal also written with academic orientation for the "scientific community".

In the meantime, the magazine is written with the purpose of a commercial for a popular circles or the public.

The term "scientific society" given the quotes because the journal is not actually closed for accessible community at large, but its main target audience is usually more narrow i.e. among academics, researchers, students and other educated communities.

If, the question of what was the journal already answered briefly through the explanation above. Next we'll look at some examples of journals simply for figures.

Sample journal

Definition of Journal

For those unfamiliar with the circle journal, usually often find confusion when heard the expression that someone was writing a journal, publishes journals, and such. How can a journal which is a scientific publication contains a collection of heavy-heavy articles that are written or published by one person only?

The term "writing a journal" is actually wrong, the truth is "write articles for scientific journals".

The workings of the journal itself can be considered similar to a magazine or newspaper. Editor, managing editor, reviewer, author, layouter is composed of different individuals.

They work in a team to publish a journal. It needs to be reiterated here that the journal is a scientific publication in the form of a collection of articles, not a single paper or article written.

We take "Journal of Sociology of education" as an example. The journal contains a collection of articles that discuss the sociology of education.

Author of the article could be from many quarters, such as college students, professors, teachers, researchers, practitioners and so on.

If you can write scientific articles about the sociology of education, then you can submit a manuscript of an article that you write to the editor or organizer "Journal of Sociology of education".

Shipping is usually done via online to the email address specified. Similar to sending articles for newspapers or magazines.

What is a journal article manuscripts sent After, the editor will send the manuscript to reviewers. After the manuscript is in view, the editor will see the results and decide whether the manuscript you deserve, need revision to be published or not worthy of publication.

If not feasible, the manuscript is returned. Typically, the script needs to be revised, it could be minor or major.

After revision, the manuscript of the article that you write will be published in the "Journal of Sociology of education". As a writer, you will get credit. Financial incentives are not always available, depending on the institution you send journal Manager.

But the experience of writing a journal is certainly be added value in its portfolio. Got here an explanation of what that journal I think quite clear and brief. The information in this post may be less detail.
