
Showing posts from February, 2019

Definition Of Organization

Definition Of Organization - The sense of Organization is a group of people working together for a common goal. While a detailed understanding of the organization is as a container for the place or people get together and work in a rational and systematic, planned, directed, controlled, and in utilizing the resources of good money, methods, materials, and environment, and means-infrastructure, data, and so forth are used efficiently and effectively to achieve the objectives of the Organization. Understanding the organization according to the definition of Experts In terms of understanding organizations as diverse as the understanding of the Organization in General and broad, the experts also expressed his opinion regarding the understanding of the Organization, among others, the following: Stoner, according to her understanding of the organization is a the pattern of relationships through which people under the direction of supervisor pursuing common goals Stephen p. Robb...

Definition Of Energy

Definition Of Energy - The following is the complete explanation about the sense of energy, a range of forms of energy, e.g. energy, and energy sources. Definition Of Energy The energy we can get from the sources of energy that exists all around us. Source of energy required by the runner to Sprint comes from foods eaten. In addition to food, there are still many other energy sources, such as solar, electric, and fuel oil. To understand more about his energy and sources of energy, check out the discussion here! Someone needs a battery to power a flashlight. Thus, the battery is a source of energy. From this example, we can deduce that if we have the energy then we can do something. So, Energy is the ability to do work or effort. Energy in daily life, we often refer to as power. Energy is one of the important quantities in physics because physics is the study of energy and changes. As one of the physical quantities, energy has the unit. The SI unit for energy is the...

Definition Of News

Definition Of News - The news was a report about the latest events and important that should be conveyed to the public quickly. In the presentation of a piece of news can use media such as newspapers, television, radio, and online media. The news also has another meaning which is an information based on facts about the events that are taking place. In addition, news can also be said to be a description of an event. The news is a fact which must be immediately communicated to the community. But not all facts should be presented to the public, the facts must be selected first, so later that fact deserves to be conveyed to the public. Types Of News Above described the sense of news, for further explanation is about the kinds of news. Currently, there are still many people who do not yet know about the kinds of news. Most people just read and listen to the news without knowing the kind of news brings about. For more details, here is a description of the types of news 1....

Definition Of Letter

What is a letter? The sense of the Letter is a means of communication to convey the information in the form of writing on paper by one party to the other parties, both individuals and organizations. A letter is a form of written communication in which there are several elements, including: 1. The sender of the letter, i.e. the party that delivered a message 2. Mail messages, i.e. the content of the letters submitted (Application/notification, requests, Statements, orders, reports, and other) 3. The recipient of the letter, i.e. the party that receives the message 4. Channel, i.e. a way of delivery of such mail messages in accordance with requirements (formatting, grammar) Definition Of Letter with the definition of the above letter, the letter generally functions as tools of communication in written form. The following are some of the functions of the letter: 1. as a means of communication to deliver notifications, requests/requests, commands, statements, reports, and mo...

Definition Of Landscape

Definition Of Landscape -   Kind of hard to define the notion of landscape. Everyone knows what that landscape, but in giving the definition depends very much purpose or background which defines. This is similar to the notion of the environment or the sense of recreation. Almost everyone will have not the same understanding of the landscape, environment, and space. If you take a more thorough initial understanding of the word against the landscape, is associated with the sense of perception, observation, and appearance of an environment or space place human life. In the meantime, said the landscape given the sense perception of the original appearance and aesthetic aspects. This sense is widely used by experts the expert designers and garden (Naveh and Liberman, 1994 in Klink, et. Al., 2002). In the book of Urban Space (Rob, 1979) give a sense of the landscape is a comprehensive system in which there is a relationship between biotic and abiotic component components, includi...

Definition Of Waterfall and Benefits

Definition Of Waterfall and Benefits - A vacation is a very coveted activity by any person. A vacation is a spiritual need that needs to be done, ‎although only periodically. This is because with a holiday then the mind will be fresher so it can ‎relieve stress and create a fresh mind. Of course, there are many options for vacation. The style of ‎each person on a different holiday. There is nothing like a holiday in natural attractions, some like a ‎holiday in a busy place likes tourist rides, there are enjoying the scenery from behind the star hotel, and ‎some are deliberate walks into another country and enjoy shopping and dining in the country.‎ In the middle of the Center-the number of choices in determining the purpose of a vacation, one of ‎the most sought after is the natural attractions. Nature tourism is indeed an awful lot of interest ‎because it offers the thrill of fresh and very natural. Sightseeing in nature will indeed succeed ‎refreshes our minds and momentarily ...

What Is History Definition ?

The definition of History – note very thoroughly, in order to be able to understand the origins of some fundamental knowledge of either General or special. History is the basis, Foundation, or pillars of various things which support knowledge in all directions. What Is History Definition ? What is history? In General, the sense of history is an event or events that have occurred in the past and can be known through the relics of the period. Definition of history can also be defined as a branch of science that studies do systematically about the whole development process of change and the dynamics of community life that occurred in the past. In history, there are three aspects that are complementary to each other, namely: The past, i.e. an idea of human life and culture in the past. Through the description of the past then the next generation will be able to formulate causal relations due to the occurrence of an event. And not all events or events can be recorded in histor...

Pansexual Definition

Pansexual Definition - Maybe all this time You've only ever heard of heterosexual and homosexual (gay and lesbian) as ‎sexual orientation. However, it turns out that sexual orientation is a very broad spectrum.  Not just ‎heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual people can be classified as a sexual orientation. Yes, some ‎time ago the prominent Hollywood singer, Miley Cyrus, stating that he is a pansexual. What is‎pansexual? See the explanation below.‎ Pansexual Definition According to sociologist Emily Leaning, excerpted from Psychology Today, pansexual is an interest ‎against a person, regardless of sex, gender, or sexual orientation. Before explaining further the question of the concept of the pansexual, it should be noted that ‎gender has the meaning of biological traits belonging to someone when it was born. A person with a ‎vagina, for example, has a female gender.  While   people  born with a penis to have sex man.‎ Gender differs with gender. Gend...