Definition of Art
Actually, what is the meaning of art? Definition of Art is an expression of human feelings that have elements of beauty in it and expressed through a medium that real nature, be it in the form of tone, fine art, motion, and poetry, as well as can be perceived by the five senses of human beings.
There is also an opinion that understanding art is all the things created by humans that contain elements of beauty and may affect the feelings of others. In essence, art is the result of a person's inner akivitas are expressed in the form of work that could affect human feelings.
Understanding art etymologically derived from Sanskrit, i.e. Sani, meaning worship, offerings, and services. In other words, art is very closely related to religious ceremonies also called with "art".
To better understand what the meaning of art, then we can refer to the opinion of some experts about the definition of art. Here is the notion of art according to experts:
Based on the notion of art which has been mentioned above, the function of art in General is as a form of expression of a person's submission/how to others and the environment. Some of the functions of art can distinguish two groups, namely the function of art for individuals and for the social function of art.
1. Art as a means of fulfilment of physical needs
Man is a creature who has the skills to give an appreciation of the beauty and the use of various objects. In the process of fulfilment of physical needs, the artists have an important role in creating a variety of valuable art objects for the gratification of physical needs and give comfort to others.
2. Art as a means of fulfilling the emotional needs
Emotion is feeling inside man, be it the feeling of happy, angry, sad, compassionate, love, hate, and others. Everyone needs a feeling of bubbling up inside of them to soul conditions remain normal.
To meet the needs of the emotional, human beings need a boost from outside himself. For example, someone who got the soul of art and aesthetics will reveal his emotions through music, painting.
Or when a person feels stress, it takes time for recreation, watch movies, or any other thing to relieve the pressure of the soul.
1. Art as a medium of religion/belief
The arts have an important role in the delivery of the message of religion/religion to man. This thing we can see from clothing/apparel, wedding ceremonies, funerals, spiritual songs, calligraphy, and others.
An example of the function of art in religion we can see at Borobudur and Prambanan Temple. Relief contained in the temple walls are illustrations of the Scriptures of Buddhism and Hinduism.
2. Art as a medium of education
Art also had an important role in the world of education. Education can be grouped in three categories, namely
Through art we can also explain things to others more easily. For example the use of the poster is worth the art where it included information about the dangers of drugs, the importance of immunization, and the delivery of government programs.
4. Art as Entertainment media
The majority of entertainment relating to contain elements of art where the perpetrators of art can express themselves actively or passively. An artist can feel happy, angry, compassionate, when his preferred or disliked by others.
Likewise individuals who see, hear, sense a piece of art. A human being can feel comforted when looking at a painting, watching movies, or watch a music concert.
Art can be enjoyed through hearing (audio art), vision (visual art), and a combination of both (audio visual art). In General, the art can be differentiated into four groups, namely:
In general the art of dance combined with the art of music. So then the concentration and consistency of dance movements become more perfect in delivering the message and feeling.
As for some basic capabilities in the Arts Theatre is the ability to create scripts, to understand the character, and express the character in the script.
Brief explanation about understanding so the art, the function of art, and other types of art in General. Hopefully this article beneficial and adds insight into you.
There is also an opinion that understanding art is all the things created by humans that contain elements of beauty and may affect the feelings of others. In essence, art is the result of a person's inner akivitas are expressed in the form of work that could affect human feelings.
Understanding art etymologically derived from Sanskrit, i.e. Sani, meaning worship, offerings, and services. In other words, art is very closely related to religious ceremonies also called with "art".
Definition of Art According To Experts
To better understand what the meaning of art, then we can refer to the opinion of some experts about the definition of art. Here is the notion of art according to experts:
1. Aristoteles
According to Aristotle, the notion of art is a form of expression and appearance that never deviates from reality, and it's art imitating nature.2. Plato
According to Plato, the notion that art is the result of artificial nature and all its contents (ars naturam imitator).3. Herbert Read
According to Herbert Read, understanding art is the expression of the pouring of the observations and experiences associated with feelings, physical and psychological activity into the shape of the paper.4. Thomas Munro
According to Thomas Munor, the definition of art is a man-made tools to cause psychological effects upon another human being who saw it.5. Leo Tolstoy
According to Leo Tolstoy, understanding art is an expression of the feelings of the creator which is then disclosed on others with the hope they can feel what is perceived by its creator.6. Sudarmaji
According to Sudarmaji, understanding art is a manifestation of inner human aesthetic experience and using the media line, line, color, texture, volume, light and dark.7. Ki Hajar Dewantara
According to Ki Hajar Dewantara, the meaning of art is beauty so that the results can affect the feelings of someone who's seen it, and the art is human action that could affect and arouse beautiful.8. Alexander Baum Garton
According to Alexander Baum Garton, understanding art is beauty and a positive goal makes the lovers feel in Bliss.9. Drs. Popo Iskandar
According to Popo Iskandar, the sense of art is the result of the expression of the emotions of someone who wanted to be conveyed to others in life-consciousness of community/group.10. Immanuel Kant
According to Immanuel Kant, the definition of art is a dream because formulas can not mengihtiarkan true.11. Hilary Bell
According to Hilary Bell, the sense of art is the term used for all works that can arouse the heart to find out who its creator.12. Eric Ariyanto
According to Eric Ariyanto, understanding art is spiritual or inner activity that is reflected in the form of paper and can evoke the feeling of someone who saw or heard him.Function Of Art
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Definition of Art |
A. Function Of Art For Individuals
For individuals, the art has a function as a means of fulfilling their needs. As for the form of those needs include:1. Art as a means of fulfilment of physical needs
Man is a creature who has the skills to give an appreciation of the beauty and the use of various objects. In the process of fulfilment of physical needs, the artists have an important role in creating a variety of valuable art objects for the gratification of physical needs and give comfort to others.
2. Art as a means of fulfilling the emotional needs
Emotion is feeling inside man, be it the feeling of happy, angry, sad, compassionate, love, hate, and others. Everyone needs a feeling of bubbling up inside of them to soul conditions remain normal.
To meet the needs of the emotional, human beings need a boost from outside himself. For example, someone who got the soul of art and aesthetics will reveal his emotions through music, painting.
Or when a person feels stress, it takes time for recreation, watch movies, or any other thing to relieve the pressure of the soul.
B. The Function Of Art For Social
Human beings are social beings who have the need for interaction with others and the environment. In this art also serves as a medium for the fulfilment of social needs.1. Art as a medium of religion/belief
The arts have an important role in the delivery of the message of religion/religion to man. This thing we can see from clothing/apparel, wedding ceremonies, funerals, spiritual songs, calligraphy, and others.
An example of the function of art in religion we can see at Borobudur and Prambanan Temple. Relief contained in the temple walls are illustrations of the Scriptures of Buddhism and Hinduism.
2. Art as a medium of education
Art also had an important role in the world of education. Education can be grouped in three categories, namely
- Formal education; environmental education in schools
- Non formal education; education in neighborhoods
- Informal education; education in the family environment
- Through art, the individual can learn about values and science in a way that is fun. For example, a student can learn music or drama, where these activities can express themselves to others.
Through art we can also explain things to others more easily. For example the use of the poster is worth the art where it included information about the dangers of drugs, the importance of immunization, and the delivery of government programs.
4. Art as Entertainment media
The majority of entertainment relating to contain elements of art where the perpetrators of art can express themselves actively or passively. An artist can feel happy, angry, compassionate, when his preferred or disliked by others.
Likewise individuals who see, hear, sense a piece of art. A human being can feel comforted when looking at a painting, watching movies, or watch a music concert.
All Kinds Of Art
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Definition of Art |
1. The art of Music
Art music is a work of art that uses sound as the main element. In addition, in the border there are also other elements such as harmonization, melodic, and notation. Aside from musical instruments, the sound of music also comes from human beings, for example akapela or Beatboxing.2. Fine Arts
Fine art is a work of art can be enjoyed through the medium of vision, or visual art. Focus on the work of art that has existed and the way that is expressed in the form of paintings, drawings, sculpture, handicrafts, multimedia, and others.3. The art of Dance
Dance is an art form that utilizes body movement as a beauty. A Director's Dance (choreographers) can convey the meaning or particular message through dance moves.In general the art of dance combined with the art of music. So then the concentration and consistency of dance movements become more perfect in delivering the message and feeling.
4. The art of Literature
The art of literature is a form of art that is enjoyed through the medium of hearing and vision. Through the art of literature in words, can someone deliver the message and the impression of a beautiful way. An example of the art of literature such as poetry and calligraphy (voice) (writings).5. The art of the theatre
The art of theater is the art of visualizing the imagination or describe the fruit of one's thought. The results of the imagination associated with the behavior of living beings, both individually and group.As for some basic capabilities in the Arts Theatre is the ability to create scripts, to understand the character, and express the character in the script.
Brief explanation about understanding so the art, the function of art, and other types of art in General. Hopefully this article beneficial and adds insight into you.
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