Definition Of Keyboard

Definition Of Keyboard and selected species or functions on a computer – perhaps in this modern era of technologically we are familiar with this one, due to the frequent use of computers will definitely be using this thing. Okay ... this discussion is made for you who want to know the definition, types, and functions of the keyboard, the following discussion. A. What is the keyboard? The keyboard is a hardware (hardware) on a computer that serves as a tool for data input in the form of letters, numbers, and symbols. Or the definition of a hardware keyboard on the computer in the form of boards and has a range of buttons where the keys function differently depending on the emphasis that could produce process in accordance with the wishes its users. In addition as a tool to enter the data of the keyboard also has a wide range of key functions with a special combination. Keyboard port on the computer generally there are 2 kinds including PS2 and USB but ...