
Showing posts from January, 2019

Definition Of Keyboard

Definition Of Keyboard and selected species or functions on a computer – perhaps in this modern era ‎of technologically we are familiar with this one, due to the frequent use of computers will definitely be ‎using this thing. Okay ... this discussion is made for you who want to know the definition, types, and ‎functions of the keyboard, the following discussion.‎ A. What is the keyboard? The keyboard is a hardware (hardware) on a computer that serves as a tool for data input in the form ‎of letters, numbers, and symbols.  Or the definition of a hardware keyboard on the computer in the ‎form of boards and has a range of buttons where the keys function differently depending on the ‎emphasis that could produce process in accordance with the wishes its users. ‎ In addition as a tool to enter the data of the keyboard also has a wide range of key functions with ‎a special combination. Keyboard port on the computer generally there are 2 kinds including PS2 and USB ‎but ...

Definition of Nationalism

Definition of Nationalism - Nationalism is a political stance of the people of a nation that has a similarity of culture, and the region as well as in common ideals and objectives, thus society as a nation feel any deep loyalty towards the nation itself. Likewise, when we talk about nationalism. Nationalism is the soul of the nation of Indonesia which will continue to be attached to the nation during the Indonesia is still there. Nationalism is not a narrow sense may even be still richer again in this age. Characteristics of nationalism above can be captured in a few definitions of nationalism as follows: Definition of Nationalism  1. Nationalism is in love with the country, race, language or cultural history together. 2. Nationalism is a desire would be political independence, safety and prestige. 3. Nationalism is a mystical devotion towards the social organism hazy, sometimes even supernatural is referred to as a nation or a unity Volk are superior than its parts...

Definition of Nature

Definition of Nature – Nature is a place where people can live and run activities. Definition of nature that have been revealed are sense in the narrow sense. At the core of human nature was formed to be able to run his life. Between man and nature will surely have a relationship that cannot be separated. Man and nature have mutually beneficial tradeoffs. Man cannot live if there is no natural, nature any way. Of this nature will not be maintained if there is no human as guardian. The second relationship is so intertwined with each other. If any one of the humans and nature does not exist, there will be no tolerance among them. That's why both of God's creation will be able to continue to exist if the two sides were able to work well together to preserve their existence. Definition of Nature  On Definition of Nature, will be explained about the Division of the natural kind. There are three types of natural divisions, namely: the land, the oceans and the last is the a...

Definition of Behavior

Definition of Behavior -Behavior is an action or activity from the man himself who has a very wide stretch include: walking, talking, crying, laughing, working, lectures, writing, reading, and so on. From this description it can be concluded that the definition of human behavior are all activities or human activities, either directly observed, and which cannot be observed by outside parties (Notoatmodjo, 2003). Definition of Behavior According to Skinner, as cited by Notoatmodjo (2003), formulating that behavior is a response or reaction someone against the stimulus or stimulation from the outside. Because of this behavior occurs through the process of the existence of a stimulus towards organisms, the organisms and then responding, then the theory is called Skinner's theory of "S-O-R" or Stimulus – Response – Organisms. B) factors that influence human behavior 1) Genetics 2) Attitude – is a measure of the degree of fondness a person against a particular b...

Definition of Art

Actually, what is the meaning of art? Definition of Art is an expression of human feelings that have elements of beauty in it and expressed through a medium that real nature, be it in the form of tone, fine art, motion, and poetry, as well as can be perceived by the five senses of human beings. There is also an opinion that understanding art is all the things created by humans that contain elements of beauty and may affect the feelings of others. In essence, art is the result of a person's inner akivitas are expressed in the form of work that could affect human feelings. Understanding art etymologically derived from Sanskrit, i.e. Sani, meaning worship, offerings, and services. In other words, art is very closely related to religious ceremonies also called with "art". Definition of Art According To Experts To better understand what the meaning of art, then we can refer to the opinion of some experts about the definition of art. Here is the notion of art accordin...

Definition Of Imperialism

Definition Of Imperialism  As Well As Different Types - Imperialism refers to a system of Government as well as economic and political relations of rich and powerful Countries, control and control of other countries that are considered backward and poor with the aim of exploiting the resources existing in the country to increase the wealth and power of the State Colonial. imperialism is often made into propaganda is effective for some people to oppose the action or policy that is run by the party which is not acceptable. The following is an explanation of surrounding the notions of imperialism. Definition Of Imperialism Imperialism is derived from the Latin word "imperare  " which means "rule"  . Right to govern (imperare) called  "imperium ". People are given the right it's called  "imperator ". That is often given the Empire it was the King, and therefore the King called imperator and his Kingdom or areas where imperiumnya app...